Konrad Popławski
Konrad Popławski
, PhD
Project coordinator
Connectivity and Regional Integration Programme

Konrad deals with the topics of international economic relations, supply chains and transport policy. He’s an author of numerous analyses and several longer studies on the development of the economies of Central Europe and Germany and Eurasian transport corridors. In 2020-2022, head of the Central European Team at the OSW, and previously for a decade an analyst on the German economy. He’s been a coordinator and member of international research teams. Author of expert opinions, among others for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Development of the Republic of Poland. 

Konrad regularly gives guest lectures at Polish universities and presentations at conferences. He’s a frequent participant of discussion panels and a commentator for Polish and foreign media (including the Polish Press Agency, Bloomberg, Foreign Affairs, Le Monde). He defended his doctorate with distinction at the Warsaw School of Economics with a dissertation entitled Changes in Germany's foreign trade after joining the eurozone. 

  • Connectivity, international trade and transport, supply chains 

  • Regional cooperation (Three Seas Initiative, Visegrad Group) 

  • Economy of the Eurozone, Germany and Central Europe 

Major publications
  • Monetary Union (chapter). [in:] Common Market as a Common Commitment. Letters to the New EU Leadership 2019-2024. [series] Monographs. Polish Economic Institute. Warsaw (2019) 

  • Emerging Trade Partners of Germany - Comparison of Economic Cooperation with Poland and Russia [in:] Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies: Challenges in the Business Environment. Barriers and Challenges for Economic and Business Development. Third REDETE Conference. Banja Luka University. Banja Luka 2014. pp. 298-313 

  • Economic Relations of Germany with BRIC Countries - The Role of German Government. 11th EBES Conference Proceedings. Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Science. Jekaterinburg 2013. pp. 191-205 

  • Is Russia still a BRIC country: exports to Russia during the global crisis from the German perspective. "Baltic Rim Economies: Quarterly Review". 2011. no 3. Pan-European Institute Turku 


Expert opinions and international oooperation 

  • Editor of the thematic issue of the scientific journal "Political Studies" of the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (2024) 

  • Author of the substantive concept and organizer of the study visit of experts to Brussels on the Three Seas Initiative in cooperation with the Research Center for the Three Seas Initiative of the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (2024) 

  • Author of the substantive concept and organizer, in cooperation with the Polish Development Bank, of the international expert conference on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Poland's accession to the EU “Next 20 years in the EU: Development Challenges for Central Europe” on 27-28 May 2024 (2024) 

  • Co-organizer, together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, of a side event during the Global Gateway Investors Forum organized by the European Commission entitled Middle Corridor – Eurasian alternative to Russia in Brussels on January 29, 2024 (2023-2024) 

  • Author of the substantive concept and co-organizer with Europeum of the seminar in Brussels entitiled EVs, subsidies and the future of CEE industry on October 24, 2023 (2023) 

  • Co-organizer with EGMONT in Brussels of the seminar Ukraine in the Future European Security Architecture discussion panel on October 23, 2023 (2023)  

  • Coordinator of the international team of experts writing an expertise Impact of Covid-19 on Global Issues for Visegrad group countries diplomacy ministries (2020) 

  • Member of the international team of experts writing an expertise Schengen and the V4 for the Visegrad Group's state diplomacy ministries (2016) 

  • Head of the OSW experts preparing an expertise on Future of German-Chinese relations for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland (2015) 

  • Member of the international team of experts writing an expertise The V4 and Germany: Potentials, limits and opportunities of a strengthened cooperation for the diplomatic ministries of the Visegrad Group countries (2014) 

  • Member of the international team of experts writing an expertise V4 and Switzerland for Visegrad Group country diplomacy ministries (2014) 


Selected press articles