Piotr Żochowski
Senior Fellow
Department for Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova
Graduate of the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science at the University of Warsaw. He has been an OSW employee since 2001. Previously, he worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, where he dealt with issues such as the withdrawal of Russian troops from Poland, cooperation with Kaliningrad Oblast and bilateral relations with Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova. At present, he focuses on a broad range of topics linked to the internal security of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia, the role of the security institutions in these states’ domestic policy, and on the non-military aspects of the war in Ukraine. He is the co-author of regular analyses of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
- the internal security system of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia
- the impact of the law enforcement agencies on how these states’ domestic and foreign policy is devised
- the non-military aspects of the operation of the armed forces of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine
- selected aspects of the regional security policy linked to the activity of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus
Major publications
- Active measures. Russia’s key export
- Fortress Kaliningrad. Ever closer to Moscow
- Lukashenka’s last line of defence. The Belarusian security apparatus in a time of crisis
- A creeping annexation. Russia’s plans to partition Ukraine
- Terror, pacification, occupation. Russia’s actions in the occupied territories of Ukraine
- (Un)limited mandate to deploy armed forces outside Russia
- Transformation of Lukashenka’s system of government: the draft of Belarus’s new constitution
- Ukraina: przygotowania do obrony totalnej
- Support for Lukashenka. Russia’s response to the migration crisis
- Lukashenka’s ‘legacy’: a step towards the collegial governance
- The consequences of disclosing the activity of Russian intelligence in Western Europe