Analyst in the China Department at the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW) since 2023. Previously, he worked at the financial portal Bankier.pl as an editor and analyst. He is a graduate of International Business at the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business.
- China's economy: macroeconomic situation, economic policy, trade and foreign investments, foreign economic policy
Paradise lost? Falling foreign investments in China, OSW Commentary, January 2024
Youth unemployment in China hits record-high levels, Analyses, August 2023
Disappointing post-COVID-19 recovery. China on the path of a protracted slowdown, OSW Commentary, July 2023
China’s foreign direct investments in Poland − problem of an actual scale of investment, Research Papers of Wroclaw University of Economics, Issue 523, 2018
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank – origin and objectives, Economics of the 21st Century, Issue 13, 2017