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OSW Commentary | | Zuzanna Krzyżanowska
Ankara’s active policy in the Caucasus and Central Asia is linked among other things with pan-Turkism, an idea which advocates the integration of the Turkic nations. It is continuously present in the political culture of the Turkish state…
Analyses | | Marta Szpala
Several serious incidents were seen in Serbia-Kosovo relations between 3 and 9 September.
OSW Commentary | | Marta Szpala
The negotiations between Serbia and Kosovo aimed at reaching a comprehensive agreement to normalise relations between the two states are to enter a new phase in September.
OSW Commentary | | Marta Szpala
Politicians in Kosovo and Serbia see the dialogue through the prism of the benefits they can get from Brussels and the EU member states.
Analyses |
On 19 April, an agreement was signed in Brussels between the governments of Serbia and Kosovo on "principles governing the normalisation of relations", which was followed by approval from Kosovo’s parliament and the Serbian government.
Analyses | | Jan Muś
On 13 January the Serbian parliament accepted the document prepared on the initiative of President Tomislav Nikolic, Platform for Kosovo, which is intended to be a negotiating mandate in Serbia's talks with Pristina.
Analyses | | Tomasz Dąborowski, Marta Szpala
Judging from the experience of how the third energy package was adopted in EU member states, it will be extremely difficult for the Energy Community states to implement these regulations within such a short timeframe.
Analyses | | Marta Szpala
On 2 September Serbia and Kosovo signed an agreement relating to trade relations under which the Serbian party committed to recognising Kosovar customs documents and both countries agreed to lift their respective imports embargoes.
Analyses | | Marta Szpala
The conflict between the government in Pristina and the Serb minority in Northern Kosovo has escalated over the past few weeks. The Serb minority in Northern Kosovo refuses to recognise the central government’s authority and is supported…
Analyses |
On 20 July Kosovo's government made a decision to introduce an embargo on imports of Serbian products and a 10% import tariff on products manufactured in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). These measures are most likely intended to put pressure…