Head of Russian Department at the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW). He was faculty member of the Institute of International Relations, University of Warsaw. He was the manager for OSW project “NATO’s new role in the NIS area”; co-manager for OSW and CSM research project “Russian-German relations 1998-2005”; manager for OSW Project “Russia’s foreign economic activity”. He was member of the EU – Russia Task Force at the EU Institute for Security Studies, Paris. He was visiting researcher at the Finnish Institute for International Affairs (FIIA) in Helsinki and OSW Fellow at the Transatlantic Academy at the German Marshall Fund of the United States in Washington DC. He is a contributing author to Poland’s "Rocznik Strategiczny" ("Strategic Yearbook"). He was a lecturer at MFA’s Diplomatic Academy. He is a lecturer at the Centre for Eastern European Studies at the University of Warsaw.
- Russia’s foreign and security policy
- Russia’s domestic politics
- Issues of the post-Soviet area and European security
- Articles on Russia in the “Strategic Yearbook” (1995-2023)
- Winning the war with Russia. The West’s counter-strategy towards Moscow, “Point of View” No. 89, OSW, Warszawa, April 2023,
- When Europe is Sick, Russia is Not the Remedy: A French Attempt at a European Reset with Russia?, w: Agnieszka Legucka, Robert Kupiecki (red.), Disinformation, Narratives and Memory Politics in Russia and Belarus, Routledge, London, New York, 2022,
- Tell me more. Russia on Macron’s détente initiatives, Point of View” No. 83, OSW, Warszawa, March 2021,
- [with Robert Kupiecki] "Documents Talk. NATO-Russia Relations After the Cold War", Polish Institute of International Affairs, Warsaw 2020.
- Between War and Integration: NATO and Russia towards 2030, in: Andris Sprūds, Mārtiņš Vargulis (eds.), Transatlantic Futures: Towards #NATO2030. The Riga Conference Papers 2020, Latvian Institute of International Affairs, Riga, 2020
- A strategic continuation, a tactical change. Russia’s European security policy, “Point of View” No. 76, OSW, Warszawa, November 2019
- The Russian Challenge: its nature and the right response to it, Security Policy Working Paper, No. 27/2017, Federal Academy for Security Policy (BAKS), Berlin, 2017
- Russia’s best enemy. Russian policy towards the United States in Putin’s era, “Point of View” No. 62, OSW, Warszawa, February 2017
- Russia and the West: What Went Wrong and Can We Do Better?, in: Stefan Meister, Daniel S. Hamilton (eds.), The Eastern Question: Russia, the West, and Europe’s Grey Zone, CTR SAIS Johns Hopkins University, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), Washington DC, Berlin, 2016
- Russia’s Long War on Ukraine, 2015-16 Paper Series No.1, Transatlantic Academy, Washington DC, 2016
- The Russian-Ukrainian War and European Security, note No. 19/2014, Fondation pour la Recherche Strategique, Paris 2014,
- Greater Europe. Putin’s Vision of the European (Dis)integration,"OSW Studies" No. 46, OSW, Warszawa, October 2013
- Responsibility to Protect…Itself? Russia’s Strategy Towards the Crisis in Syria, “Briefing Paper” No. 131, The Finish Institute of International Affairs, Helsinki, May 2013
- Russian Policy Towards NATO in a Broader European Security Context, in: Roger N. McDermott, Bertil Nygren, Carolina Vendil Pallin (eds.), The Russian Armed Forces in Transition: Economic, geopolitical and institutional uncertainties, Routledge, December 2011
- Russia's Afghan Problem. The Russian Federation and the Afghanistan problem since 2001,"OSW Studies" No. 38, OSW, Warszawa, September 2011
- Towards a strategic partnership ? Turkish-Russian relations at the turn of the twenty-first century, in: Turkey after the start of negotiations with the European Union – foreign relations and domestic situation. Part II, CES Report, OSW, Warszawa, July 2008
- Russia vs. the European Union: a “strategic partnership” crisis”, "CES Policy Briefs" No 22, OSW, Warszawa, January 2006
- [co-author] NATO’s New Role in the NIS Area. CES Project Report (collective work), OSW,Warszawa, May 2005